Salesforce or AWS. Which is Better for Your Business?

The generation when CDs and floppy disks were in use, came to end a long time ago. Even the generation of secondary hard drives and USBs is getting outdated. The new trend of cloud computing services is penetrating the industry, presently. Like never before, things have changed and data has become computerized. You don’t need to carry a USB or a hard drive that holds your data. Today, cloud services have innumerable applications and services with the capacity to hold huge volumes of information. About the Companies - Salesforce Founded in the year 1999, Salesforce is the pioneer of Client Relationship Management. Salesforce being a SaaS (Software as a Service) provides the service of managing the client database and helping companies with improved client connections, business development, etc. Microsoft Azure, a similar cloud service has also gained popularity for its services. After which, Salesforce also opted for a decisive alliance with Microsoft Azure. This increased th...